We have partnered up with advertisers and can programmatically insert relevant and timely ads into your podcast episodes. This is a straightforward way to start generating revenue.
To start monetizing your podcast, you have to first complete the onboarding process on Stripe to cash out your monetization revenue.
To do so you have to access the monetization menu on your left or click on your podcast to access the monetization tab on top of your screen and select the country you are in, then click on “Start Onboarding”.
You will now be redirected to Stripe for a secure payment where you will be asked to enter your personal information, once done click on “Continue” and enter the verification code sent to you.
Now verify your details by entering your the required information and pressing “Continue”
Proceed by selecting the bank payment and entering your bank account details (Account holder name, IBAN, etc…), and clicking on “Continue”, once done click on “Agree & Submit”
Stripe will now redirect you back to the monetization tab and make sure to turn on the monetization if you wish to start monetizing your podcast.
You can now access the “Stripe Express” dashboard to monitor your transactions.
By following these steps, you have successfully completed the onboarding process and you can start cashing out as soon as your funds accumulate.
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